Saturday, 25 August 2012

水里蛇窯樂陶陶,車埕懷舊木業情(Enjoy making pottery at Snake Kiln, Recollect good old days at Che cheng)

若要親身體驗製作陶藝品則另外收費NT280,國內郵寄不分地區另收NT150,國外則因地區而異。我們當然不錯失這大好機會!披上圍裙後,我們就變身陶藝家開始用雙手捏成我們屬意的陶藝杯或盤子。可是往往事與願違,捏陶土沒有想像中那麼容易。師傅在我們開始動手前就教了我們一些基本動作; 若要捏成盤子,就用一根手指頭輕輕地壓住陶土,轉動中的陶土就會變成盤子、若要把陶土弄高,則雙手力量集中於轉動中的陶土即可。我們玩得很開心,雖然作品不是那麼漂亮,可是自己製作的,怎麼看都很完美。。哈哈!
We went to Snake kiln in Shuili to experience making ceramic craft. The entrance fee for student s is NT120.
If you want to experience yourself on how to make ceramic pot, the extra fees would be NT280 while the postage fee is NT150 regardless any area in Taiwan, but for postage abroad it depends on which country you want to send. We don’t want to miss this golden opportunity and once we put on the apron, we are like little ceramic master, using our hands to spin the ceramic soil into our favourite shape. Actually the whole process is not so easy as we thought although the teacher had taught us some basic techniques beforehand. But we enjoy the whole process producing not so good-looking ceramic cups, though we still assume our products as the most perfect one in the world.XDD

After that, we went to visit around the snake kiln area. Looking at this hundred years snake kiln, I can’t imagine it was damaged by 921 earthquake decades ago. But it was at present the kiln being well-preserved in Taiwan. Its shape wriggle like a snake, that’s why we call it snake kiln.

古老的車埕車站原來是用珍貴的檜木打造而成的,深咖啡色的建築美麗堅固,還能聞到陣陣檜木幽香。此站為集集線的終點站。 一整大片園區就是鐵道文化園區,有難得一見的蒸汽火車加水台、加煤台、老火車頭、及可以看見火車狀況與軌道切換的號誌樓。還有木業展示館來一窺林業歷史,一旁的池塘可是存放原木的貯木池。
When I arrived in Che cheng,it was like a train theme park. Ancient Che cheng train station was built using precious cypress wood,dark brown building is beautiful and sturdy. The smell of cypress wood fragrance was in the air.This station is the last point of Chichi line.
A whole large area of the park is the Railway Cultural Park which includes a rare steam train adding water station, coaling station, the old locomotive, and others. There is a wood museum which shows the history of checheng and  a timber storage pool.

嘉怡  撰寫
Written by Chia Yee

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